This is my latest update to provide you with information about the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our community.
The NSW Government has announced the further easing of rules for those who are fully vaccinated by bringing forward many of the roadmap changes scheduled for 1 December to Monday, 8 November 2021.
The changes mean that from 8 November, there will be no limit on visitors to a home, no rules for outdoor gatherings with fewer than 1,000 people, and indoor swimming pools will re-open for all purposes.
After that time, all businesses can move to the 1 person per 2 sqm rule for fully vaccinated customers, and nightclubs will be able to re-open dancefloors.
Caps will be removed for settings other than gym and dance classes (where the 20 person cap for classes will remain) and replaced by density limits or 100 per cent fixed seated capacity for major recreation outdoor facilities (including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos) and entertainment facilities (including cinemas and theatres).
It’s important to note that these freedoms will only be available for people who are fully vaccinated, including those who have medical exemptions and children under the age of 16.
If you’re not fully vaccinated, you must still abide by pre-roadmap restrictions until NSW reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.
The current rules for masks, which apply to everyone, will remain in place until the State reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.
My staff and I are here to help you. Please call my office on 9349 6007, email or reach me via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.